These smallholders are cronies from the previous Barisan Najis. The Barisan Najis through agents sold land to smallholders without titles. And these greedy smallholders (which they claim but actually rich buggers) actually exploited the forest reserve, without thinking about the ecological damages done - affecting farmers down stream, draining off the peat swamp, killing enormous number of wildlife and forest, flora....and they dare to cry double standard? HELL to them. They employed foreigners to work on the peat swamps. Look at some of the pictures below to prove to you the damages and raping of healthy forest for personal profit by the so called cronies of Barisan Najis......

Raja Musa Forest Reserve - barren for miles the shit left by the previous government.

Miles and miles of open, barren land of Raja Musa Forest Reserve, Selangor. Culprits should be hanged or given rotan. But sadly you can buy your way out.

Foreign workers near the boundary of Raja Musa Forest Reserve. They were willing to sell us wildlife caught from the reserve at the right price.
------check news below------
May 20, 2009
Raja Musa forest reserve smallholders cry double standard
SMALLHOLDERS who were evicted from the Raja Musa forest reserve near Batang Berjuntai are crying foul over the double standard practised by the Selangor government.
They claimed the government did not take immediate action to evict encroachers at the Kuala Langat forest reserve.
The group who were evicted from the Raja Musa peat swamp forest reserve during an enforcement exercise some time at the end of last year, felt that the state government had given face to those who committed the same offence in the Kuala Langat area.
“The state is willing to listen to them and had even called for a meeting with them,” said Idris Jaafar, one of the smallholders who were evicted from the forest reserve last year.
“They were also given more time to work on the land until they can collect their harvest this season.
“The state did not give the same chance to us,” he said.
He said they had tried to hold a similar meeting to voice their grouses to the state government since last year, but it fell on deaf ears.
“Most of us had invested a lot of money on the land and had been working there for years.
“We also had the approval to conduct the agricultural activity although it was on the forest reserve.
“So why didn’t they give us a chance like what they are doing to the group from Kuala Langat,” he added.
His sentiment was shared by Nordin Kassim, another smallholder who had lost his crop during the exercise.
“Last time when the authority told us that we could not plant oil palm trees and told us to replace it with cash crop instead, we obeyed and replaced them with pineapple and banana trees.
“How come no one told us that we were not allow to do all of this from the beginning,” he said.
When asked, Selangor state agriculture committee chairman Yaakob Sapari said such action was necessary as the threat was far worse in Raja Musa forest reserve.
Yaakob, who is also the state natural resources and entrepreneur development committee chairman, said the Raja Musa forest reserve was a very sensitive one as it affected the water table.
“The Raja Musa forest reserve affects not only the encroachers but also the padi farmers and the water table as it is a peat forest.
“More than 9,500 rice growers are affected due to the draining of the Raja Musa peat forest.
“But over here, it only affects the forest ecology,” he said.
For over 10 years, more than 600ha of the forest reserve was illegally cleared and burnt for large-scale farming.
At the end of last year, the Selangor state forestry department, on the instruction of the state government, ordered the eviction of the illegal occupants and started the clearing of all vegetation and agricultural activities in the area.
Since then the department together with various NGOs have put up continuous efforts to rehabilitate the 23,000ha peat swamp forest reserve.
It includes replanting seedlings of indigenous to the peat swamp species to turn it back into its natural state.
Raja Musa forest reserve smallholders cry double standard
SMALLHOLDERS who were evicted from the Raja Musa forest reserve near Batang Berjuntai are crying foul over the double standard practised by the Selangor government.
They claimed the government did not take immediate action to evict encroachers at the Kuala Langat forest reserve.
The group who were evicted from the Raja Musa peat swamp forest reserve during an enforcement exercise some time at the end of last year, felt that the state government had given face to those who committed the same offence in the Kuala Langat area.
“The state is willing to listen to them and had even called for a meeting with them,” said Idris Jaafar, one of the smallholders who were evicted from the forest reserve last year.
“They were also given more time to work on the land until they can collect their harvest this season.
“The state did not give the same chance to us,” he said.
He said they had tried to hold a similar meeting to voice their grouses to the state government since last year, but it fell on deaf ears.
“Most of us had invested a lot of money on the land and had been working there for years.
“We also had the approval to conduct the agricultural activity although it was on the forest reserve.
“So why didn’t they give us a chance like what they are doing to the group from Kuala Langat,” he added.
His sentiment was shared by Nordin Kassim, another smallholder who had lost his crop during the exercise.
“Last time when the authority told us that we could not plant oil palm trees and told us to replace it with cash crop instead, we obeyed and replaced them with pineapple and banana trees.
“How come no one told us that we were not allow to do all of this from the beginning,” he said.
When asked, Selangor state agriculture committee chairman Yaakob Sapari said such action was necessary as the threat was far worse in Raja Musa forest reserve.
Yaakob, who is also the state natural resources and entrepreneur development committee chairman, said the Raja Musa forest reserve was a very sensitive one as it affected the water table.
“The Raja Musa forest reserve affects not only the encroachers but also the padi farmers and the water table as it is a peat forest.
“More than 9,500 rice growers are affected due to the draining of the Raja Musa peat forest.
“But over here, it only affects the forest ecology,” he said.
For over 10 years, more than 600ha of the forest reserve was illegally cleared and burnt for large-scale farming.
At the end of last year, the Selangor state forestry department, on the instruction of the state government, ordered the eviction of the illegal occupants and started the clearing of all vegetation and agricultural activities in the area.
Since then the department together with various NGOs have put up continuous efforts to rehabilitate the 23,000ha peat swamp forest reserve.
It includes replanting seedlings of indigenous to the peat swamp species to turn it back into its natural state.
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